Rabu, 14 November 2012

Universitas Budi Luhur Terbagus Di Jakarta

Universitas Budi Luhur Terbagus di Jakarta 

 – Melaksanakan tugas seo yang di berikan dosen di universitas budi luhur jakarta yaitu oleh Bpk. Wahyu Pramusinto untuk Matakuliah Cyberpreneurship. Universitas budi luhur merupakan salah satu universitas swasta terbaik dan terbagus di Jakarta. Universitas ini berdiri sejak tahun 1 April 1979 dengan sebuah nama filosofi yang sampai saat ini di pegang yakni “Cerdas Berbudi Luhur”. Awal mula dari nama universitas budi luhur adalah dengan nama perguruan tinggi akademi ilmu komputer (AIK) pada tahun 1979 dan menjadikan universitas komputer pertama kali di Indonesia. Dan juga sebagai pelopor pendidikan tinggi di bidang komputer di Indonesia.
Universitas budi luhur sendiri merupakan gabungan antara nama sekolah tinggi manajemen informatika dan komputer (STMIK), sekolah ilmu ekonomi (STIE), sekolah tinggi teknik (STT), dan sekolah tinggi ilmu sosial dan politik (STISIP). Serta satu lagi ASTRI (akademi dan sekertaris universitas budi luhur).

Fakultas dan Akademik
Di budi luhur sendiri memiliki 5 fakultas dan 1 akademik dengan jenjang D3 – S1yang sudah terakreditasi oleh BAN PT dan di samakan (khusus D3).
Fakultas teknologi informasi (FTI)
Merupakan cikal bakal terbentuknya fakultas teknologi informasi budi luhur jakarta yang saat ini menjadi salah satu Universitas terbagus di Jakarta. Di mana mempunyai komitmen menghasilkan tenaga proffesional di bidang informatika dan komputer, yang berbudi luhur, inovatif dan ber-adaptasi terhadap teknologi agar mampu bersaing di pasar global.
Faklutas fti dibagi dalam jenjang s1 dan d3 yakni
  1. Teknik Informatika (s1).
  2. Sistem Informasi (s1).
  3. Sistem Komputer (s1).
  4. Komputerisasi Akuntansi (s1).
  5. Manajemen Informatika (d3).
Fakultas ilmu komunikasi (FIKOM)
Memberikan keahlian dalam penyiaran di Jakarta Boardcasting School (JBS). Selain itu di fikom mempunyai beberapa jadwal informasi seputar kerja di penyiaran di RCTI, METRO TV, TRANS TV, TRANS 7, SCTV, TPI, TV ONE). Berkosentrasi pada 4 pilar utama yakni :
  1. Public Relations (s1).
  2. Broadcast Jurnalism (s1).
  3. Visual Communications (s1).
  4. Creative Adversiting (s1).
Fakultas Ekonomi (FE)
Fakultas Teknik (FT)
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik (FISIP)
Akademik Administrasi dan Sekertaris Budi Luhur (ASTRI)

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

According to the origin of the creation of

Java is a cultural heritage of the people of Indonesia, especially Java Java controlled from hereditary. Java has different motives. The difference of this motif is common dikarnakan motifs that have meaning, the meaning is not just an image but the meaning which they can from their ancestral religion, animism, Hindu and Buddhist or dynamism. Java much growing in the Solo or commonly referred to as with batik Solo.

Buketan Batik Pekalongan origin with European influence design

In the second half of the 19th century emerged as the center of Pekalongan is the most important production of batik European and Indo-European, known as batik Netherlands. There are a number of important changes that are initiated by the designers that resulted in new unique design format of Pekalongan, buketan-large and complex bouquet of flowers from Europe comes the flowers in the Body (the body or main areas of batik cloth) and for one, a flower Head Surung.Design of the bouquet (buketan), has been celebrated as typical batik Pasisirakal ever. Around 1900, the design of a large bouquet of flowers surrounded by butterflies and birds are often depicted on a plain background. This style becomes fashion is most important for European and Indo-European. This is the work of batik tulis outstanding craftsmanship displays a surprising palette of up to seven colors and cant work very fine detail. The works are greatly appreciated by the rich and have a link the Netherlands communicated that way.

In 1845 the first European batik workshop opened by Carolina von Franquemont, at the age of 23. His Workshop is on the slopes of the volcanic Mount Ungaran, near Semarang Ungaran River.

In the 1870s when the colonial economy became accessible to non-government commercial initiatives, the Netherlands and other Indo-European batik workshops followed.


Indo-European highly successful designer in Pekalongan including Metzelaar Lien, AJF Jans and the van is best known and most influential works, Zuylen from late 19th century until 1940s. the practice of signing of batik into vogue among Indo-Europeans during the 1860s in Pekalongan. signature shows the origin of the workshop and emphasized the quality and originality of the work.
